Saturday, November 18, 2006

What Country am i living in?

The year comes to an end. New year begins. I want to make a impact next year. I really want to do it. I want to save as much money as i can and move to the United States of America. I want to go there and study Mechanical Engineering or some computer studies. Most probably get a degree in it. Why do i do this probably people ask me?. It's a kind of lesson a painful lesson that i learned when i was in sec 4. It was my maths paper that i flung. So after so many years, i ignored it. Then one day i suddenly felt the urge to do maths like a shredding machine. I started to buy maths books and borrowed library books. At first it seem difficult then slowly inch by inch i crawled my way out. And now i can do some of it. I hope by next year i can do maths without fear. Another question people ask me, so old 25 years old don't you want to work and settle down?. I told them if you think like that you will never prosper. Like you study so much and work a sustainable job that can support you and your family for the rest of your life.

I don't want to study so much and earn a living that can barely support yourself here in Singapore. Most of the locals here are like workaholics. I am sick and tired of living in this country. Every time you land a job, they care more about the work than you. they pile on the work but still pay you the same amount come the end of the month. Still working full time on Saturday?. Isn't this day is to spend time with your family?. These people too want to spend their time with their families. Give people more welfare than asking them to do more for the job. The basic concept is if you keep your workers happy they will work happily. If you give them more work they will work unhappily.

Furthermore finding a job here is so hard. Every time a basic requirement is must be able to speak Chinese and have a class 3 license. I mean they call this a multi -racial country but you see Chinese is the majority race here. All the other races are a minority. And to get a driver's license is so hard cause it would cost you at least $2000 and above. And furthermore if you fail the test you are gonna pay more. The public transport is climbing. Prices are on a constant increase. GST (Goods Service Tax) has been risen from 3% to 5% and now 7% next year onwards.

Why must i suffer here and listen to the government?. I want to break away form this country and never to return back to this country for ever. I hope by end of 2007 i have enough money to go to USA.

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